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The winner for Life Book 2018 is....

Finally i can enter my website again after a technical problem ! Sooooo.... today is the day i am going to announce the winner of the 1 FREE spot for Life Book 2018 !!

I loved reading all your comments and responses and i feel so blessed with all the sweet messages and support you are all giving me !

Now...the winner.....who will get Life Book 2018 for FREE is......

Chantalle Venter !!!! yayyyyyyyy !!!!

Congrats and i know you will LOVE Life Book 2018

Now...if you didn't win a free spot, you can STILL grab Life Book 2018 with a

Discount of 20%

Totally AWESOME !

PLUS this time everyone who is joining Life Book 2018 will also get a faaaaaabulous Virtual Goodie Bag !

Say Whaaaaaat ????!!!

* The New Life Book 2018

This year, Life Book is going to be bigger and better by including another 12 fantastic artists and wellness guides who will focus on additional personal development practices and other art modalities, like sculpting, photography & writing!

You will also be introduced to yoga, dance and other wellness exercises to help support your personal development journey more holistically.

Imagine the fun we will have getting introduced to and acquainted with some of the other wonderful art forms out there!

You can find out a lot more about this wildly popular course (it has been joined by over 16500 + people in the past!) by clicking HERE.

“Learn more about art & how to be kinder towards yourself”

You get over 85+ inspiring, creative, uplifting and life enriching sessions this year with creative and wellness experts that will blow your mind!

So if you want to start the year with a fabulous creative BANG and spend 2018 with a wonderful creative community of like-minded souls, learning more about art and how to be kinder and more loving towards yourself,

be sure to join NOW by clicking here ! :)

Extra Yummyness FREE ART TRIBE >

See more about my Sacred Soul Art and Bowls...see live video tutorials, inspiration, motivation, and more !

It is totally up to you to join my Free Art Tribe but i would love to have you there Click at the button below to join

Much Love & Light


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