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Packages for Coaches

an experience you will never forget !

If you are a 

Life Coach

Intuitive / Psychic Coach

Spiritual Life Coach

Chakra Coach


and you help your clients with 

souls purpose

inner voice

self esteem / self worth / self love



manifestation / LOA


than i can offer you powerful packages that are available for your

group programs or 1 on 1 sessions

I can offer you ....

Online ( or in person ) workshops / masterclasses

Custom Sacred Soul Paintings
Inner Soul Portraits

Healing Energy Paintings

Chakra Paintings
Sacred Soul Necklaces
Sacred Soul Clay Bowls
Chakra Bowls
Sacred Soul Dolls
Crystal Wands
Crystal Jewellery
Oracle Decks

Online ( live or recorded ) classes

In the online creative classes they can re-connect with their creative inner spirit / can learn to dive deep into themselves and learn who they are / can discover and release patterns-emotions-feelings that no longer serve them / can learn to ignore their inner critic / can learn a new way of meditation / can expand, explore and be brave / can heal / re-connect with their inner child

and more....

For the online classes there are several possibilites and we will have a chat to see what would be best for your clients 

Visit my other website sacredsoulart

to see how you can book a session / commission a painting / work with me

Honor and Embrace your Creative Spirit

Heal. Empower. Create. 

© 2016 by Studio SoSo

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