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Eeeeep !!! I am SO excited !!

hi y´all !!

Oh my goodness !!! I am SO SO excited !!

As some of you allready have seen i have a Sale Event for my Sacred Soul Bowls in my Facebook Group the 22 & 23 th of August ( It starts 12 pm est on the 22nd and ends at 6 pm est at the 23st. )

I have shared some work in progress pics on my facebook... Today i have finished these `batch` of sacred Soul Bowls and something new.... Sacred Soul Affirmation / Meditation stones...and i can tell you this....THEY ARE AMAAAAAAAZING !!!!

I could keep them all !!

I am going to share the pics of these stunner bowls here first for you all and if you would like to be tagged in the sale event just let me know. The Sale will be in my Facebook Group

Sacred Soul Bowls are powerful and magical.... The are infused with crystals, lavender, moon water, energy and affirmations...

They are amazing for your personal altar, they can hold your special crystals and high vibrational items, like affirmations on paper , special jewelry and more.

You can hold them while meditating / Praying ... and for manifesting....

They are incredibly powerful...and beautiful ! They come with a message and instructions.

So...ready ?? Here are some pics of the ones that will be available....

I mean how YUMMY are these ???

So... If you would like to snag them.... pop over to my Facebook Group

And if you would like to be tagged let me know


Now ... the other thing i am totally excited about is.....rapapapaaaaaa.... i am going to be a teacher in the LIFEBOOK 2018 and i will share with you how to created Sacred Soul Bowls.

This year long course is amazing both art wise and spiritual wise.... and i am so honored that i am part of the amazing team of teachers.

Registration Opens September 12th and i will share more info soon !

Whoot whoot !!

So....all kinds of amazing things are happening...

If you havent joined my own program yet.... come and join me in September !

It will be an amazing journey inwards... You will (re)connect with our inner creative spirit / our inner child...

You will let go of perfectionism....control...our inner critic...

You will learn techniques and get the tools to create freely and intuitively...

You will release thoughts and emotions that dont serve you...

And much More....

Creativity is SO important in our our spiritual Life....

It is such a powerful Tool...

And i would love to help you discover that !

You can even Try it out with my Try it out Taster video..... a little peak with 1 of the 4 monthly sessions....

Click here for more information about my program, and feel free to message me with any questions !

Much love and light


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