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Gorgeous Aragonite 


These beautiful crystals are potent aids to assist the healing and balancing of the emotional body, and help you to overcome stress and anxiety.

Aragonite is the great equalizer and stabilizer.

They help with the release of negative energy, anger, anxiety and fear from the body

 it is both soothing and energizing, creating a sense of overall well-being. An Aragonite star cluster helps to be more connected to the energy of Mother Earth. 


Aragonite works with all of the chakras, but can work specifically with the Root/Base Chakra

Aragonite Clusters can help to speed up the recovery from broken bones and nerve damage.


These stones have a wonderful vibration for allowing you to feel more grounded, fully present and centered. 


They absorb negativity quite easily, so make sure you cleanse them very frequently.


Size aprox 5x4 cm / 2x1.6 inches

Aragonite Cluster

SKU: 51
€19.00 Regular Price
€9.50Sale Price
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